Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Without Media

What would it be like without all the technology and media we have today? I don't even want to think of what it would be like with out all the little "conveniences" (as I like to call them). I use media in almost everything I do, that's how I get most of my information about what's going on in the world. I wake up to the radio blasting in my ear and I fall asleep while watching Chelsea Lately or the news. That's not including all the stuff I do with the media in between me waking up and going to sleep! For instance, we use media in class all of the time, we watch power points and youtube clips. I even use media at Macado's where I work; we ring in food on a computer that sends the order to the kitchen, answer the phones and take To Go orders, and we always have the TVs and the radio blaring in the background. When I am not at work or at school, I am almost always either talking on my cellphone, playing around on the Internet, or listening to the radio. I have become so adjusted to the media and technology we have today, that I think I would go crazy if we didn't have it!

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