Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prospect Papers

Watching the presentations today of the new and improved newspapers was quite entertaining. Though every group had such different, creative, and innovative ideas; my favorite futuristic newspaper was by the group that did the interactive transparent paper. I thought that this idea was brilliant and is most likely what will become of the newspaper to ensure that it keeps circulating and stays in business. They managed to come up with a news source that is environmentally friendly, holds a great amount of information in a small space, and is convenient for the consumers. These are all things newspaper companies are going to have to move towards in order to stay afloat.

In order for The Tartan to prepare itself for the future, I think it needs to go ahead and become an Internet based paper; this would help the environment, save the school a lot of money, cut back on labor, as well as make it more convenient for everyone to access this information, giving the newspaper a wider audience, the parents of Radford students.

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