Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prospect Papers

Watching the presentations today of the new and improved newspapers was quite entertaining. Though every group had such different, creative, and innovative ideas; my favorite futuristic newspaper was by the group that did the interactive transparent paper. I thought that this idea was brilliant and is most likely what will become of the newspaper to ensure that it keeps circulating and stays in business. They managed to come up with a news source that is environmentally friendly, holds a great amount of information in a small space, and is convenient for the consumers. These are all things newspaper companies are going to have to move towards in order to stay afloat.

In order for The Tartan to prepare itself for the future, I think it needs to go ahead and become an Internet based paper; this would help the environment, save the school a lot of money, cut back on labor, as well as make it more convenient for everyone to access this information, giving the newspaper a wider audience, the parents of Radford students.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Role of Reading

All throughout my life reading books and magazines has come in spurts for me. I'll read the whole thing, cover to cover, and won't hardly be able to put it down. Then next thing you know I won't touch another one for four or five months after that. I think the reason that I am so off and on about reading is because of how much precious time it takes up; realizing that I am not the fastest reader. If I had to choose a word to describe my reading agility, it would definitely be sluggish. I've been thinking that maybe I need to take something on the lines of a speed reading class, but with how slow I read, I'd say the chance of me failing that class greatly outweighs the chance of me passing.

Anyways, getting back on subject here... When I do read a book or a magazine, I think that there is always a couple of squibs throughout that tend to influence me in some sort of way; whether it be the way I perceive something, what products I consume, or the way I curl my hair.

Seeing how what I read and view influences me, I understand why my parents were so strict about what i watched on TV, the Internet sites I went on, and even some of the books I read. For instance, I wasn't allowed to watch any television shows or movies that were rated TV14 and above, I wasn't permitted to visit any sort of chat or Facebook site, and my mom would not allow me to read her Danielle Steele Books. If I was my parents I would have done the same exact thing!

Without Media

What would it be like without all the technology and media we have today? I don't even want to think of what it would be like with out all the little "conveniences" (as I like to call them). I use media in almost everything I do, that's how I get most of my information about what's going on in the world. I wake up to the radio blasting in my ear and I fall asleep while watching Chelsea Lately or the news. That's not including all the stuff I do with the media in between me waking up and going to sleep! For instance, we use media in class all of the time, we watch power points and youtube clips. I even use media at Macado's where I work; we ring in food on a computer that sends the order to the kitchen, answer the phones and take To Go orders, and we always have the TVs and the radio blaring in the background. When I am not at work or at school, I am almost always either talking on my cellphone, playing around on the Internet, or listening to the radio. I have become so adjusted to the media and technology we have today, that I think I would go crazy if we didn't have it!